Dear Charlene,
As you once said, this website is meant to keep us closer together. So, on this special day, although we are far in kilometers we feel very close to you in mind and heart and wish you a very happy birthday!
Stories of life in Africa and Italy
Dear Charlene,
As you once said, this website is meant to keep us closer together. So, on this special day, although we are far in kilometers we feel very close to you in mind and heart and wish you a very happy birthday!
I am a scribbler of my far away memories. I am Italian and when I was little I landed up with my family in South Africa, where I remained until I was 22 years old. Then I came back to Italy, where I live. Writing life stories about myself and to share them with who desires to read them, helps me to tackle the hardships of life! [Read More]
I got my inspiration for this website from the song called “Imagine”, and so I decided to go on this adventure. I have always wanted to put up something like this where my friends and I could express our memories and dreams for the future. Share them with us, because if many people dream the same dream it will certainly come true. [Read more]
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